News and Information about the world's very best hobo-folk band...


Zach Forsberg-Lary - "She Never Knew"

Isthmus and the Lisps - "Favorite Tree"

James Y. Giguere - "Weak Now"

Zach Forsberg-Lary - "Could Have"

Zach Forsberg-Lary - "So Scared"

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

And now for something completely different...

1. CONCERT - DECEMBER 7 at 7:00 PM at ALL ASIA 334 MASS AVE in CENTRAL SQUARE in CAMBRIDGE. We're playing for CNC Music Productions with some other bands. CNC always puts together great shows, so you should come on down to listen and watch. All Asia is all ages before 9:00 PM so come see us; you have no excuse.

2. RECORDING PROJECTS - Jim and I will be recording a song each for a course we're both taking at Boston College with Lloyd Thayer . A new song each. We'll post them somewhere when they're presentable. I'm also mentoring an awesome and talented musician Bryan Fielding for his senior exit project. I'll be helping him to record an album of original music (which I'm willing to bet will be awesome). Also, I'll be recording Juliana Forsberg-Lary over her winter break.

3. BAND NEWS - Lee Meryash just brought his drum kit over to 146 Chiswick (where the magic happens) last night. So we'll be doing stuff with a bit more percussion for a while anyway.

4. SIDE PROJECTS - My sister Victoria and I are going to be working on a set of unexpected covers to record some time early next year. Another side project, of which I will be in the background, is Ezra Kachi (potential name) which will be a little different than Isthmus and the Lisps and will be comprised of Erika Young and I.

5. FILM SOUNDTRACK - Alex Butzbach's student film starring Ross Fielding will feature music by Isthmus and the Lisps (Jim and I). And should be interesting. We'll post that once it's done.


imbricated said...

thanks for linking to my myspace space. i hate myspace. all the hits will put my giga-bits over 87!

vr said...

will the film be posted too or just the soundtrack? i like soundtracks, but i want to see the film too.

please don't make me buy a ticket to watch this film at some overpriced 'art' theatre where everyone looks like they picked their clothes from a dumpster outside a high end fashion store and they sit around discussing how german neo-expressionism's reliance on the artifice of french noire films of the 1930's led to the creation of Jungs theory of Everything. because I hate when that happens.

i hate teenagers in suburban uberplexes who talk on their cellphones during the previews even more, but you know what i mean?

Matthew Of Nazareth King of the Blog said...

hey, I linked you on my blog so all three people who have seen it might one day link to you.